USD 489
Mentor/Mentee Discussions
Discuss brain-friendly strategies for test preparation
Review lesson plans, classroom management plans/strategies, technology integration, instructional practices, grading policies, late-work policies, etc. and reflect on changes for next year
Backward Design: The Basics - Read this article from Cult of Pedagogy author, Jennifer Gonzalez, then consider how your unit plans/lesson plans could benefit from Backward Design.
Review building/classroom expectations, procedures, and protocols with students after breaks
Remind students about expectations for missing school (spring always includes more absences than usual)
Review parent-teacher conferences and ongoing parent communication
District Mentee Meetings
Discuss plans for building on this year’s strengths and preparing to mitigate any challenges
Discuss next steps with UDL
Review data-driven decision making
Tour Westside Alternative School
Tie discussions to the district’s KESA goals about relationships and relevance